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What size are these plants?
Size information for specific plants can be found in the "additional details" section of the product details page for each collection. In general, the individual plants in our flowering perennial collections come in 2x2x3 inch containers and, at the time of shipment, the plants have an established root mass and emerging foliage around 3-8" high. Most of our native shrubs ship in one gallon container with established root mass. Branches will be 12" to 24" tall with leaves. Spring shipments will be dormant with only branches and no leaves and a healthy one gallon root mass.
Bear in mind that the size and appearance of the plant at the time of shipment can vary greatly depending on species and season. The size of the foliage at the time of shipment does not affect the plant's future growth and abillity to thrive. Once planted, and over time, these plants will grow to the sizes noted in the "meet your plants" section for each collection.
Updated on 01 Oct 2024
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