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How to Attract Hummingbirds with Native Plants
By growing native plants and providing water and a handful of other resources, you can easily attract hummingbirds.
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Guide to Milkweed Plants and Monarch Butterflies
It’s not a weed, and it doesn’t produce milk, but the humble milkweed is one of the most important plants you can have in your garden. Despite its misleading name, the milkweed is a tough native plant that grows just as well in North American wetlands as it does in fields and prairies. The reason why milkweed is so important...
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Ultimate Guide to Gardening in Virginia
With the range of available native plants in Virginia, your garden can thrive. Here's our guide to gardening in Virginia gardens.
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Campout and Discover Native Wildflowers!
Camp Green and Come Clean for the Earth during this summer’s Great American Campout™! Camping is an easy way to enjoy nature and wildlife, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time camper. Whether you are camping on the road or in your own backyard, the beauty and fragrance of wildflowers can enhance your experience. National and state parks are...
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Summer Garden Task Checklist
Hopefully your hard work is paying off in summer with beautiful blooms and wildlife visitors. We've collected a few must do's for summer to maintain your garden habitat.
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You Built It and They Came: The Science Supporting Your Wildlife Habitat Garden (Recorded Webinar)
On May 26, 2022. Garden For Wildlife was proud to present the webinar, You Built It and They Came: The Science Supporting Your Wildlife Habitat Garden.
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How to Attract and Build a Firefly-Friendly Habitat
If you have fought off snails, slugs, various insects and worms in your garden, then fireflies can lend a hand by helping to control these pests.
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How To Help Pollinators During Pollinator Month & Pollinator Week
Why should we celebrate our pollinators? The simple truth is we can’t live without them. Pollination is an essential ecological process. Without pollinators, humans and wildlife wouldn't have much to eat or look at!
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The Truth about the Butterfly Bush (And What To Plant Instead!)
Depending on where you live and your garden goals, there are easy-to-grow and BEAUTIFUL native plant options that will better support butterflies and other wildlife.
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What is a Pollinator Garden & How to Plant a Garden for Pollinators
Pollinators worldwide are in decline, losing numbers to threats like pesticide poisoning, habitat loss, and disease. Plant native blooming trees, shrubs, and wildflowers to provide pollinators with nectar and pollen to eat.
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Garden for Wildlife Month: How To Make An Impact
Please join the 1 in 3 Americans who are now purchasing plants to directly help butterflies, bees and birds. May (Garden for Wildlife Month!) is a great time to start.
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Spring Garden Care: How to care for your native plants this spring
While we’re eager to tackle “spring cleaning” of our garden beds and plant containers this time of year, it’s important to be mindful in our approach.
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When to Expect Emergence from Your Native Plants Each Year
Each spring brings delight in the discovery of new growth emerging from the perennial plants you planted in prior years. Native plants, for the most part, are perennials which means they return each year. After they have gone to seed, they die back and their roots lay dormant under the soil. Some species are biennials and annuals that may give the appearance of...
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2021 Garden for Wildlife Photo Contest Winners
The Garden for Wildlife™ Photo Contest seeks to illustrate the faces of Garden for Wildlife through striking, colorful images showcasing the impact of habitat gardens on wildlife and people–in urban, suburban, and rural settings, and on land, in the air, and in water. Last summer, we received a record 9,000+ entries in our annual Garden for Wildlife Photo Contest. Judging is...
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Confessions of a Wannabe Gardener
As Chief Innovation and Growth Officer of the National Wildlife Federation, my perspective on gardening has changed over the last couple of years.
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