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Deer Resistant Native Plants: A Guide to Keeping Your Garden Safe and Beautiful
Deer, especially in suburban and rural areas, can pose a significant challenge to gardeners. Their voracious appetite can quickly diminish carefully planned gardens. To combat this issue, many gardeners seek plants that are considered "deer-resistant." But what does deer resistance really mean?
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Why You Should Buy Native Grasses
When you buy native grasses for your garden, you’re helping local wildlife thrive. Here’s why you need a native grass garden.
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The Complete Florida Gardening Guide
Florida native plants, having evolved in the local environment, inherently understand the climatic rhythms and the region’s soil types. This tends to make them hardier and more resilient than many non-native plants and reduces the need for constant gardening interventions.
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Water-Wise Wildlife Gardens: What are Drought-Tolerant Native Plants?
Native plants are adapted to the specific climate and conditions of their native region. They have evolved to be water-efficient and to thrive in harsh conditions. Native plants also provide essential food and shelter for local wildlife.
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Guardians of Your Garden: How Native Plants Help Control Pests and Diseases While Nurturing Wildlife
There's a more natural and eco-friendly approach to pest management: native plants. These indigenous wonders have evolved alongside local pests and have developed their own ingenious ways of deterring them.
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USDA Releases 2023 Plant Hardiness Zone Map: A Guide for Wildlife-Friendly Gardening
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map serves as a fundamental guide for gardeners, offering insights into the climatic conditions of specific regions. This, in turn, empowers individuals to make informed decisions about the types of plants that are most likely to thrive in their local environments. With the 2023 map, the USDA continues its commitment to providing accurate and detailed...
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Bats & Blooms: Creating a Bat-Friendly Native Plant Garden
Forget the stereotypes; bats aren't the spooky, dark creatures we often imagine them to be. In fact, they're vital to our ecosystem, playing a crucial role in pollination, pest control, and play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.
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Invest with Impact: Cultivate a Greener Future with Garden For Wildlife
Our wildlife friends are disappearing at alarming rates. So, we remain committed to planting native perennials that support our ecosystems and, in turn, local wildlife. I believe we have a groundbreaking movement that aims to revolutionize the way we plant for the benefit of wildlife.
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Hummingbird Highrise Native Plant Collection for Hummingbirds
Native plants possess characteristics that make them particularly attractive to hummingbirds. First and foremost, their vibrant and vivid colors, often rich in reds, pinks, and purples, act as natural beacons for hummingbirds, who are drawn to these hues.
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Grassy Gala Collection: A Garden Party for Wildlife
Unlike high-maintenance lawns that often demand chemical inputs, native plants are naturally resilient, reducing the need for pesticides and fertilizers. By planting native species, you support soil health, reduce erosion, and minimize emissions associated with frequent gas mowing. Native plants also play a crucial role in conserving water resources, making them a sustainable choice, especially in regions prone to drought.
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Shady Sanctuaries Native Plant Collection: Lush Landscapes for Low Light
Native plants are well-adapted to the local climate and environmental conditions, which often makes them more resilient and easier to grow. If you're dealing with a low-light area, there are still many native plants that can thrive. Here are some tips for choosing and caring for native plants in low sunlight areas:
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Wetland Wonders Plant Collection: Attract Wildlife to Your Garden with Wetland Native Plants
These plants thrive in moist soil conditions, making them perfect for areas that are often challenging for other plants. But their benefits extend far beyond their beauty and hardiness. Native plants like these have extensive root systems that have adapted to living in and around water. The roots and stems minimize erosion and buffer the water runoff from pollutants like...
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Drought Defenders: Drought-Tolerant Native Plants To Attract Wildlife
In the face of water scarcity, drought-resistant native plants offer a solution for sustainable home gardening. Adapted to local conditions, these plants require less water, lower maintenance efforts, and support biodiversity.
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Beginner’s Guide to Gardening for Wildlife with Native Plants
If you're a beginner looking to start a garden that’s not only beautiful but also supports your local birds, butterflies, bees and other pollinators, then wildlife gardening with native plants is the perfect choice.
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What Do Butterflies Mean to Us?
This series is devoted to exploring butterflies as symbols in the collective psyche; as messengers from other worlds; as beings with whom humans throughout history have shared a vibrant, living spiritual connection—all that which science clunk-ily refers to as “aesthetic and cultural value.” Each month, we’ll cover a unique instantiation of butterflies in culture, tracing themes and asking questions about...
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How To: Help Birds with Native Plant Home Gardens in Fall and Winter
Fall and winter bring unique challenges for native birds, but with the right native plants, we can create nurturing havens that sustain these winged wonders.
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Newtown, Connecticut Native Plant Garden with Catherine Violet Hubbard Sanctuary
We share a common mission to create pollinator and bird-friendly habitats to help save our endangered wildlife, so the opportunity to leverage our plant donation program to accelerate the planting of Kindness Gardens across the country is a way to make a bigger impact much more quickly."
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Plants that Attract Hummingbirds in Virginia
Explore our list of vibrant plants that attract hummingbirds in Virginia. Create a backyard buzzing with life and color!
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